See my new book
Sunday, 21 July 2024
Sunday, 14 July 2024
For how long is one stuck to a certain kind of situation
13th of July 2023 One of the problems of space travel is if it takes so many years to travel to other stars, and another is if the new planets or moons do not fit together with the space travellers. Most of my younger years' unexplained failings got a solution only via thinking that the world is of spirit, kind of each person and group in a world of one's own, determined by kind of one's mental viewpoint and how one lives, as if someone would have tried to estimate how such an individual or group would live in the world, find it's place in likeminded company with similar values. Anyway, in the view that the world is of spirit, if one has chosen clearly wrong, the journey may take a lot of time, kind of to give one the chance to think thoroughly the subject again and end up at a better choice, but if the person then would choose another kind of planet as the goal, which would suit him and the group very well, they would be well suited aliens there, then the space ship would have suddenly almost arrived there and soon theh would arrive and everything go well if chosen similarly like what type of person suits where.
An addition to my booklet "Animals in space"
Of my paradise theory + other books
29th of July 2024 Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to
Local and global (Eino Leino like poems etc)
See my new blog Start from the earliest post, i.e. about the poems idea, since it gave moti...
" I have no money, things go ashtray because of people attacking, lying as if I or my home or my reputation were a treasure chest....
Unfortunately with one spelling error in the name of the book, see There ought to be unlimited copyi...