See tge latest post at
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Wednesday, 13 November 2024
Friday, 8 November 2024
Treasure chest of advices in skills and talents
" I have no money, things go ashtray because of people attacking, lying as if I or my home or my reputation were a treasure chest. I am not, those are not at all. But my books and blogs are like a treasure chest of thousands of advices in learning much wanted skills and talents in life and in the world!
To get some idea of these texts, start by reading my page and some texts at links from there. Start for example by reading about emperor's power! And of the heroes of the old times...
So I am a writer, and common sense would suggest that you would buy my books or ebooks from , if you are interested in these thousands of treasures! If a writer does not get books sold, the texts also disappear into the mass of books in the world. Of Christmas gnomes there are over 70 million internet pages, so it is unlikely to find the texts later on.
This far my texts have produced only people trying to steal my reputation or maybe eating some Christmas cookies, but no books sold, and I wonder do they even read my texts at all.
Of my books see for example
You might also want to see the page
Thursday, 7 November 2024
The second edition of this blog as a book
Unfortunately with one spelling error in the name of the book, see
There ought to be unlimited copying of the ebook allowed.
Escaping from catastrophes
" In the news there was a picture of forest fires in Greece. The whole landscape burned, so it seemed a near death situation for those in the picture. What could help?
If the world is of spirit, it matters a lot what you do, what are your major choices in life, your values that you always follow. Choose to folliw basic commln sense, good quality independently of the people in your environment, wish well for the world and keep that as a major choice in life, try to be fair and separate individual and do things so well and wisely in a co.mon sense like ways that you can be a center of recovery for the world, if some people copy from you such a course and folliw it in common sense like ways, being centers for recovery themselves too. And so if the world is of spirit and each one essentially in a world of one's own, yet passing by the worlds of others, you coukd be so saved, troubles eased, wishing well for the world in healthy wise ways.
From my Christmas gnome skills blog series
Local and global (Eino Leino like poems etc)
See my new blog Start from the earliest post, i.e. about the poems idea, since it gave moti...
" I have no money, things go ashtray because of people attacking, lying as if I or my home or my reputation were a treasure chest....
Unfortunately with one spelling error in the name of the book, see There ought to be unlimited copyi...