Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Cultivated plants species that burn as dry could solve the problem

 There have been cars fuelled by wood, so such fuel in cars is possible, even though not so handy. But fuel ought to grow much quicker than trees. The terrain fires in warm countries show that many dry plants can burn very well, so there ought to be many possible plant species for this. One would need different species for different climates & other environmental consitions. And one could buy from abroad if such is not so easy to grow in one's own country.

It is also possible to develop plant species with the aim of good fuel - doe sthat mean quite explosive?    "A104.   18th September 2019   As I have learned to communicate with dogs and other animals, I have öearned to notice that a certain plant or animal may have a style like a character that is suited to certain place or to certain thing to do, and that such can via time or in the company of others change. So some seed, plant or animal may look like suited to certain area while the neighbouring in the same species to another area. Andplaces too, if you wander there like fascinated about tales, may look like as if to certain place would suit a certain type of tree, and tyo another another kind, and the place so have a fascinating atmosphere. And maybe one can so also learn how to care for the young plant individuals etc in such a place. One can learn such langiage from animal friends, music, painting, religion, fascinated handiworks and tales. Maybe also humans have a character suited to certain kind of place or activity, happy with just such, while the neighbouring in other hobbies, other jobs to be."

That still leaves the question what kind of car motor would be best for such a fuel, since t is not liquid. There are alreasy at least some answers to such, but I do not know about cars.

30th of September 2021   " I 98.   18th of June 2021   

To stop global climate change, one ought to give up using gossil fuels. That would happen nsyurally if one would find plants gitted to different vlimates, which are possible to grow in agriculture, and which burn at least roughly ss well as wood. 

My pet fogs used to have hobbies, kind of catch things in the air. It seems that simiksrly one can discern from growing plants which indivifual is suited to which view of what biofuel ought to be like, where to fibd such plants  how yo culyivare them, etc. I do not know if it is the work of a priedt or a music enthusiast or a young person to notice such things for almodt surely. "

The problem with this kind of fuel is that it must be burn in pieces bigger than dust, and so if you stop the car, you have to wait until the pieces have burned fully. That takes timebut is arranged by using a battery part of the time, and such has been in use in ecological cars for years already.

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