Wednesday, 29 September 2021

If the world is of spirit

 "C53.   If it has just rained snow and one talks with people that one knows about the snow, often all give a different impression of what kind of snow it was, as if they had experienced it in different ways since their heat regulation was different and their characters differ too, and because they were in different places at somewhat different times. But could there be another explanation: that the weathers are poersonal and depend on your attitude, as if the world were of spirit. Like in ordinary rain you walk more heavily than usually, as if somewhat depressed, since the light is dim and rain somewhat heavy too, and at the same time you walk lightly since the weather is good for plants and just a natural ohenomenom, nothing to wonder much. Or that when you think of only positive things the sun more often shines. So maybe you create your own experience of the weather or maybe the weather gets tuned to just you and your socvial contacts. So that also the global warming could be seen in a different light in such a world. When I was a young adult, iun the city center it sometimes rained a mixture of water with snow, while where people lived the landscape was snowy."

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