Sunday, 31 July 2022

The world is of spirit

 30th of July 2022   "  Children and young people should not be made overly scared by climate change

In Europe there have during the last two years been record high summer temperatures and forwst fires. That is explained by climate change, but why this big change in temperatures in a so short time? Science didn't predict such. Science gets it's emphazis from the goals of good commin sense like objective rationality and civiliced wisdom for all, and science helps to teach thst. Record high temperstures came when there was as far as i know record numbers of people from the tropucs in Eurooe, and i guess that thry out of hanit long for tropical weathers, and in a foreign country and a strange culture communication often goes wrong. Another same time happening with the hot times was how srriously the media has handled the dangers of climate change, so that the expectations of humans had changed. So it appears that hot weathers as a new extreme are caused by the world somehow reacting to expectations, it of spirit like a young person or animal eager to please. If the phenomenom were dcientifical, it would have come a little by little, almost linearly. One remembers from one's youth that all claims of adults weren't as honest and trudtworthy as the basic facts learned in scjoom. The Green party conyinues from where svjool ended, and it is so because they too went to svhool or are used to cheating school cjildren, but at the samw time thst means that other options have been left unobservef, and so it is likely that one can find fruitful answers from thos other areas of understanding, if one instead of memorised kniwledge trusts common sense and experience of lufe." 

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