Monday, 12 February 2024

Side step: pleasant living in town


The text is mostly in Finnish. Here is a part that in English : 


K106.   21st of April 2022   Lack of healthy natural visual stimuli makes one stupid and unwise. So one stays more intelligent and wise if one likes to look at trees, also indoors öikes to look at trees outside the window. One can make indoors nice so that the view out of the window with the tree in it is a part of the ordinary view of indoors.

K107.   I do not know any rules for getting the view work out well with the view from the window. Just on some moment that you think thst the view outdoors is magnifient, arrange indoors so that you can look at it from a good place. The exact places of things you get if you move and at some moment the view is magnifient  just fix the sofa or whatever there. Likewise the effects of decorative things and of things whosd place does not affect their usage. Once you find in which way the views both indoors and outdoors work out nicely or magnifiently, you can with that charm kn mind find yhe places for the rest of things too. 

K108.   But mostly my home is just a mess since I have been sleepy for over a year already. 

In Savonlinna I took pictures of my home since I felt that otherwise some care professional would have liked to live there and put me without moral grounds to some care institution to get me out of the way. Now I have been judt sleepy so the situation is different. Savonlinna is an arts oriented place and kind of grandparents' home type with the charm of a countryside town with arts and tourists. There was the problem at the district of tourists or newcomers wanting to visit the homes of the locals. Such does not leave room to live in, since some of them would like to get yhe homes by criminsl means. So I wrote to the same blig advices about making home nice and of having a good spirit. Taking pictures from one's home somehow ruins the usability of those areas of the home, as if someone had come without regard for the spirit of those places' chores. So i do not think it wise at all to photograpf much at home. In a way this Christmas gnome skills text is written by a similar motivation: maybe some lack basic skklls of peaceful life, so i write something, even though i have not luved so overly much in peace. " 

Ikkunanäkymä tänään 2.8.2022

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18.4.2024   See also my free ebook " Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" at And please remember to read the texts in ut, since those are advices on a general level, aimed at all people all over the world, or something of the kind. 

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